Investor Education

Behavioral Biases: A 2 Part Series

In our last post in our investor education series, Active vs Passive: Why the Efficient Market Hypothesis is Wrong, we introduced the concept of rational actors, people that analyze every piece of available information and arrive at an optimal solution to maximize their expected utility, and irrational actors; people that use mental shortcuts and...


Market Timing: A Losing Strategy

We would like to spend the entirety of this first post discussing a reoccurring question we receive: “Why can’t you just ride the market to its peak and then exit right before the inevitable correction?”   We understand where this question is coming from. Market timing is an intriguing concept on the surface – if we...


Trade-off: Risk and Return

Investors typically focus on returns. ‘How much money am I making’ ‘How much money did I lose’ ‘Am I getting better returns than the S&P/ my neighbor/ the guy on TV’.   All of those are relevant questions, but without a consideration of the risk involved, the answers themselves are meaningless.   To incorporate the concept of risk...